Friday, July 1, 2022

Ideas Children's books with photos in Lithuania


Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels!

Are they fun to watch? 


 Children like watching squirrels outside and we have a treat.

 Adventures in the Park with Marcijona: The Red Squirrel is a children's picture book that showcases the European Red Squirrel, an endangered species.

Introducing Marcijona the Red Squirrel who lives in a green park in Lithuania.

Have your child join Marci and her friend to discover many interesting nature facts in this easy to read photo book. Photos taken in Lithuania.

This easy reader contains photos turned into watercolors that allow the children to see the city and life of these animals.

While exploring this book with Marci:

--they will be shown color identification,

--Lithuanian/English phrases helping your child learn manners,

-- the changing seasons, 

-- some history, and friendship. 
Take a look

FAQ The Squirrels Part 2 of 5 Teaching Aids photos from Lithuania

The Eurasian Red Squirrels 

The Eurasian Red Squirrels have been around for over 10,000 years—the end of the last Ice Age before the continents split. But they are an endangered species.

The Eurasian Red Squirrel is cute and photos of this squirrel show a personality that is endearing and worth saving from extinction.

Open a book and read about them in Adventures in the Park with Marcijona: The Red Squirrel and Our Days in the Park with Marcijona: The Red Squirrel by Grayce Lynn Lily.

Shown in their natural habitat and full squirreliness. Squirels are a more intelligent species than people think and play important roles in the eco system. Photos from Lithuania by photographer there.

Fun facts:
They can jump a great distance,
 they can hang upside down,
 they are either right or left handed,
 and they can swim.

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