Friday, July 1, 2022

Ideas Children's books with photos in Lithuania


Squirrels, Squirrels, Squirrels!

Are they fun to watch? 


 Children like watching squirrels outside and we have a treat.

 Adventures in the Park with Marcijona: The Red Squirrel is a children's picture book that showcases the European Red Squirrel, an endangered species.

Introducing Marcijona the Red Squirrel who lives in a green park in Lithuania.

Have your child join Marci and her friend to discover many interesting nature facts in this easy to read photo book. Photos taken in Lithuania.

This easy reader contains photos turned into watercolors that allow the children to see the city and life of these animals.

While exploring this book with Marci:

--they will be shown color identification,

--Lithuanian/English phrases helping your child learn manners,

-- the changing seasons, 

-- some history, and friendship. 
Take a look

 --There is also a Study Guide of Simple Lithuanian Phrases Adventures in the Park with Marcijona, as a companion to Adventures in the Park with Marcijona: The Red Squirrel.  It has photos showing how the simple phrases could be used.  

Learning manners and to be polite Guide

The Companion Study Guide of Lithuanian Phrases And Phrases used.

Page from the Adventures in the Park with Marcijona Study Guide

For more information go to our author page showing our variety of books

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