Tuesday, January 21, 2020

FAQ The Squirrels Part 5 of 5 Final Teaching Aids

Celebrate Today - Squirrel Appreciation Day January 21

Parents and Teachers I hope you have been using these posts to inform your children of the importance of preserving (A) the Eurasian Red Squirrel, (B) helping squirrels in the cold weather and all year around (C) Instilling respect for these little gems of the ecosystem.

Kids!  By now you should have an appreciation for these historic squirrels and have discovered how they live and help our world ecology.

Have you done something nice for them today?

 If you are in an area of the world that has very cold weather it would be nice of you and your friends or family to try to help preserve these squirrels. 

It will make you feel better about helping the world that will be yours when you grow-up. We’ve highlighted the programs in the UK as they are the most organized and longest running in preserving the Eurasian Red Squirrel.

Need more ideas for teaching, the Marcijona books
  • Colors,
  • History,
  • Basic etiquette phrases in a new language for fun,
  • Easy science nature, flora and fauna,
  • The seasons.
  • Creative writing skills can be enhanced in the older grades
  • With research projects about the squirrels and ecology.  (There are Journals in three languages, English, French and Spanish to encourage this.) 

Some Topics to consider

  1. The science of climate and changes affecting the world. 
  2. History of the UK, Europe and Eastern Europe, architectural styles,
  3. What is a UNESCO Heritage Site,
  4. What and why is volunteering important to communities everywhere.
  5. Why kindness to animals of every type is of importance.


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