Wednesday, January 8, 2020

FAQ The Squirrels Part 1 of 5 Teaching Aids

Squirrel Appreciation Day January 21st Factoids
January 21st of every year is Squirrel Appreciation Day it is observed worldwide. It was started by a wildlife rehabilitator in North Carolina. The reason for the January date is the scarceness of food in the cold weather where most squirrels live. This is a way to help, with food and shelter boxes for them.

According to Wikipedia: American red squirrels should not be confused with Eurasian red squirrels since the ranges of these species do not overlap, they are both commonly referred to as "red squirrels" in the areas where they are native.

 The North American species was first catalogued by Erxleben in 1771 and found in Hudson Bay, Canada.

Squirrels as a family can be divided into five major lineages: Red squirrels (Tamiasciurus) fall within the clade that includes flying squirrels and other tree squirrels (e.g., Sciurus). While we have Red Squirrels on the North American continent, they are not the same as the Eurasian Red Squirrels.

There are 25 recognized subspecies of red squirrels. The red squirrel or Eurasian red squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris) a species of tree squirrel is common throughout Eurasia. This is the endangered squirrel that we have in our photo story books her name is Marcijona.

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